When we see a website then first we see the images and they
tells us what is in the content and the website regarding for what. You have
not any idea that image can create traffic from image-based search engines.
If you want more of this traffic, you must learn how to
optimize your images to get traffic. It is easier. In image optimization the
file name does matter. Many people when trying to optimize an image they forget
how important file names. If you are looking to garner attention about the
genetics of eye color a picture of blue eyes should be named
“blue_eyes_genetics.jpg”. by using this site gap attention and allow your
image to come up in image searches.
Content connection and integration
The great option to stuff websites full of images the images
should always indicate that what content in your website. Images have always
some connection with your website.
For example-- if you
are writing about dog breeds having pictured of sunrises and cars is not going
to help you get visitors. Through it you will gain you some quick viewers. But
you want to get the attention from the engage readers your image should be
associated with your content. In the Google the image and the content must line
up for search engine bots to crawl the site accurately.
Alt Text
Alt text is defined that what your image is about. If you
are using an image as a click through to another page you should make sure the
alt text describes the page that the image links too. The better the descriptor
the quicker your images will be appropriately categorized.
Over stuffing keywords
The stuffing of keywords will also make for a difficult viewing
occurrence for your readers. Fundamentally overexerting your keywords power
will do the opposite of what search engine optimization id supposed to do.
Less Is More
Image is important to get the traffic of the viewer but
always keep your images to a minimum unless you are a photography website. Sure
images look great, but the SEO gods only speak text. Alt text, file names and
even Meta tags can help your images gain relevancy, but the text always reigns
supreme in the land of search engine optimization. In simple words means to say
put your images should be an accoutrement of your site.
Do Not re size- in your website do not re size your image.
Because when you re-size the size the result will be a small image with the same
file. When you re size your image on your web page to the size of a postage
stamp, you really have not done anything to the image file size al all.
When you editing your image program to re size the image, and
save it as a JPEG or GIF, you have actually created a smaller image.
GIF and JPEG: Two Image Formats You Need To Know About-
whenever you want to optimize your image the important thing which you have to
note that two image formats recognized by your web browser. One is
GIF(pronounced jif as in jiffy peanut butter) and JPEG (pronounced jay-peg).
Both are compressed. Means to say that information has been organized inside
the file in a special way in order to minimize the file size.
Difference between JPEG and GIF is that JPEG compression is
designed to optimized photograph or images with fine gradations of color. Means
JPEG used to small image. And the GIF compressed is designed to optimize images
with large continuous areas of color, such as illustrations. When you use JPEG
compression you will trade off between image quality and image file size.
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